Check out what’s coming up in the final few months of our NAT100, National Lottery Heritage Fund supported project! There’s two extra FREE events which has been added to the NAT100 programme.
Dr. Will Bowden will be taking at NRO on Caistor Roman Town: Community, Heritage and Recent Discoveries. At Binham Memorial Hall Wayne Perkins will be talking about the Medieval ‘folk saint’ John Schorne and the links to Binham and Norfolk
The Norfolk Archaeological Trust: Past Present and Future exhibition is on display at the Norfolk Record Office until Friday 31st May. It’s open Monday – Friday 9.30am to 5.00 pm
Events at or near to NAT sites
Saturday 25th May, 2pm- Binham and the cult of John Schorne- a talk by Wayne Perkins, BA (Archaeology) ACIfA. A FREE in person talk to be held at Binham Memorial Hall, Warham Road Binham NR21 0DR.
Wayne will shed light upon the psychogeography of the pilgrims’ mythic landscape at and around the Shorne shrine at North Marston in Buckinghamshire. Both architectural and archaeological evidence is brought to bear wherein a corpus of graffiti collected at the parish church illustrates the devotion of the pilgrims. Wayne will also discuss Binham and Norfolk’s connections with the cult of John Schorne. Book via NAT’s Eventbrite page
Events at Norfolk record Office
Wednesday 1st May 1pm- 2pm – St Benet’s Abbey Mill and its local context. By Alison Yardy. In person and also available online.
Wednesday 8th May 1pm -2pm – Safeguarding Norfolk’s Archaeological Heritage– A talk by Heather Hamilton Norfolk Historic Environment Record. In person and also available online. Recording will be available via NAT’s new YouTube account.
Wednesday 8th May 2.15pm – 3.00pm- The Norfolk Archaeological Trust: Past, Present and Future exhibition walk through. Join Robin Sampson, curator of the exhibition, to focus on some of the stories behind the objects included .

Image Credit JAM Creative
Friday 17th May 1pm-2pm -Caistor Roman Town: Community, Heritage and Recent Discoveries by Dr. Will Bowden. This talk will consider our current understanding of Caistor Roman town, focusing on what the recent research by the Caistor Roman Project in the surrounding area has added to our knowledge of the town’s origins and history. It will also look at what broader recent research on Roman Britain has contributed to changing views of Caistor.