Middleton Mount

Middleton Mount presents the unexpected remains of a small motte and bailey castle. The motte, or mound, stands at a height of almost 20 metres, and in the Norman period (11th/12th century), would have been adorned by a wooden keep. Middleton Mount is one of eighteen small castles across the county.

Surrounding the mound is the bailey area, once a bustling space with a range of buildings – now often home to a small flock of sheep.

Middleton Mount
Hall Orchards
King’s Lynn
PE32 1RY


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Access and facilities

Visitors are welcome at any reasonable time. Middleton Mount is situated in the northern part of the village of Middleton at TF 5659 3166 (Ordnance Survey Explorer map 236), 5km east of King’s Lynn on the A47 Lynn-Norwich road.

  • by road: drivers entering Middleton on the A47 should turn left (from Lynn) or right (from Norwich) onto Station Road when they reach the village centre, next to the church. Proceed 700m along Station Road and then turn left into Arlington Park Road; turn left again into Mount View Close to find the site, which is reached by a gate. Visitors may park in Mount View Close. SatNav: PE32 1YA.
  • by bus: Middleton is served by very frequent buses from both the Norwich and Lynn directions, principally by the First Eastern Counties X1 services. For up to date timetable information, please visit http://www.travelineeastanglia.org.uk. The buses set down outside the church, which is very close to the junction with Station Road. The walk to the site (directions above) will take about ten minutes.

An interpretation panel erected by the Trust at the site entrance provides information for visitors. There are no visitor facilities at the site but there is a pub (the Crown Inn) adjacent to the church and bus stop in the village centre, and another (the Gate) on Hill Road c. 500m north of the site.

The Trust welcomes responsible dog owners. Dogs must be on leads at all times.  Please clear up after your dog.